
RC helicopter - homemade


a type of aircraft which derives both lift and propulsion from one or more sets of horizontally revolving overhead rotors. It is capable of moving vertically and horizontally, the direction of motion being controlled by the pitch of the rotor blades.


On September 14, 1939, the VS-300, the world's first practical helicopter, took flight at Stratford, Connecticut. Designed by Igor Sikorsky and built by the Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft Division of the United Aircraft Corporation, the helicopter was this first to incorporate a single main rotor and tail rotor design


The force needed to keep an aircraft in the air is called ‘Lift.’  Lift is produced by air flowing over the wings.
The shape of the wings is designed so that the air flowing over the top surface has to travel further, and it therefore travels faster, than the air under the wing. This causes the pressure of the air on the top of the wing to be lower, and so effectively the wing – and therefore the aircraft – is sucked up by this lower pressure.
In fact, a certain amount of lift is produced by almost any object in a stream of air.  You can experience the process for yourself if you put you arm out of the window of a moving car.  You will feel your arm start to rise upwards, and this is due to lift.  But of course a correctly-shaped wing produces far more lift than this.
Lift is produced independently of power from the engine. However, the engine produces ‘Thrust,’ which gets the aircraft moving along the runway, so that air flows over the wings. Thrust also overcomes ‘Drag,’ which is the force which tries to oppose the motion of the aircraft through the air. The other force involved is ’Weight.’ and the weight of the aircraft determines how much lift is required to get it into the air.
As long as there is enough lift to overcome the aircraft’s weight, and enough thrust from the engine to overcome the drag, then the aircraft will fly.

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